
The 2012 Globo Tricolore Award to the Brooklyn-based L’Idea Magazine.

The Brooklyn-based bilingual quarterly L’Idea Magazine was awarded the International “2012 Globo Tricolore Award” on July 7, 2012 at Fortezza Rocca Flea in Gualdo Tadino (Italy).
As their official website declares, the Globo Tricolore Award is similar to an Oscar for famous Italians abroad who are unknown in their homeland.
The “Globo Tricolore” is an award that exists in both television and publishing format (with its celebrity book), but it is also a moment in which Italian culture and business meet – an important showcase for the “Made in Italy” trademark and for Italian excellence. The award is represented by a world of white, red and green, representing the many Italians in every part of the world. The image of the Globo Tricolore thus symbolizes, both visually and figuratively, the pieces of Italy that can be found in every part of the globe. It represents a metaphor of how men and women of Italian origin have succeeded, due to their individual abilities and due in good part to their Italian roots, in creating works of art and professionalism in the cultural and entrepreneurial arenas outside the confines of our national borders.
The goal of the Award is to promote the role of Italians both in Italy and living abroad and to emphasize the added value of the cultural and entrepreneurial efforts they make to keep the memory of the great Italian migration alive. It promotes the projects of Italian associations throughout the world and the work of the Italian press abroad in an effort to make Italian talent known to an international audience.
The award was conferred upon L’Idea Magazine because of its almost 40 years at the service of the Italian and Italian American community in New York. The magazine has been previously officially named the “Voice of the Italians in America” by the Italian Consul in New York.
L’Idea Magazine has published 125 issues and it’s now entering a new phase with its Third Volume. Leonardo Campanile, Editor-in-Chief, and Tiziano Thomas Dossena, Editorial Director, unable to be presnt at the ceremony, sent their thanks for the honor received through their correspondent in Florence Antonio Degl’Innocenti.
Italian President Giorgio Napolitano declared that “the Globo Tricolore Award is undoubtedly a great inspiration in extending and enriching the pages of history with the names of those who have so greatly influenced social life.”

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